Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, MPA, RVT, have co-hosted their award-winning weekly veterinary podcast since 2016.

Each week, they “tackle the toughest topics in veterinary medicine,” highlighting controversial issues and trending news, introducing veterinary key opinion leaders and provocateurs, and offering solutions to the myriad challenges facing the veterinary profession.


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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

The Importance of the Training Struggle: How to Create Training Guardrails and a Culture of Curiosity

Training requires struggle and even failure at times. But how do we apply this principle when training veterinary medical personnel? 

In this podcast, hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, delve into the importance of letting veterinary clinic employees struggle in order to improve. Our duo explores the concept of fostering growth through challenges, emphasizing the need for training guardrails and cultivating a culture of curiosity in veterinary clinics. 

They share tips on how allowing employees to navigate difficulties can lead to enhanced skills and resilience (“Don’t always jump in!”). They reveal strategies for implementing effective training frameworks while maintaining a supportive environment that encourages curiosity and continuous learning. 

Viewfinders, we hope you enjoy this discussion on the vital balance between providing guidance and allowing room for struggle in a safe and effective manner, ultimately promoting professional development in the veterinary industry.

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

What Happens When Promotions Don't Work Out in a Vet Clinic?

What happens when you promote a staff member to a new position or role and it doesn’t work out? What if the staff members want to return to their previous positions? How do we successfully expand our team members’ roles, responsibilities, and duties and “promote from within?” Viewfinders, we’ve got a lot to discuss in this episode!

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, MPA, RVT, tackle the tough topic of job promotions gone bad. More importantly, our podcasters provide you with a variety of ways to support, coach, and set yourself or your employees up for success in transitioning to a new job position.

The podcast begins with a real-life question Dr. Ward recently received about handling a veterinary technician struggling after being promoted to clinic manager. The veterinary practice owner feared she’d have to fire the employee after she failed to succeed in management. Our hosts have a lot to say about this, as well as tips for avoiding this sort of dilemma.

Beckie shares how to handle the potential vacancy left behind when you promote a staff member. Preparation, planning, and communication are critical elements of a successful job transition and promotion-from-within scenarios.

Viewfinders, there’s a lot to learn in the podcast about helping people succeed in your practice. Please share your thoughts and experiences with us on our Facebook or Instagram pages or email us at veterinaryviewfinder@gmail.com.

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