Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, MPA, RVT, have co-hosted their award-winning weekly veterinary podcast since 2016.

Each week, they “tackle the toughest topics in veterinary medicine,” highlighting controversial issues and trending news, introducing veterinary key opinion leaders and provocateurs, and offering solutions to the myriad challenges facing the veterinary profession.


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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Are You Giving These Three Types of Feedback?

A lack of appropriate feedback leads to failure. You need to give your team at least three types of feedback to succeed. This week, we discuss the three types of feedback you should give - and receive - to excel in veterinary medicine.

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, tackle the topic of feedback in the veterinary workplace. Dr. Ward shares his three types of feedback: Appreciation, coaching, and evaluation, as well as tips for each and why all three are necessary for progress. Beckie shares her experiences receiving and giving feedback to colleagues and why trust is foundational to progress as a veterinary professional. 

Viewfinders, share your thoughts on professional feedback with us on our Facebook or Instagram pages or email VeterinaryViewfinder@gmail.com. 

If you like this type of content, please go to Apple Podcasts or your favorite player and leave us a 5-star review. Your stars help us reach more of our colleagues! Thank you! 

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

The Benefits of 4-Year Vet Tech Degrees and Innovations in Online Programs with App State’s Jennifer Serling, RVT, VTES

Veterinary technician programs have expanded in amazing ways over the past decade, and there's a push towards getting a four-year degree, with even more advanced degrees on the horizon. This week, we’re speaking with the interim Director of Appalachian State University’s Veterinary Technology B.S. Program, Jennifer Serling CVT RVT VTES BVSc, to discuss the benefits and pros of a four-year veterinary technician degree and the value of remote education. 

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, explore some of the exciting changes and opportunities in in-person and online veterinary technician programs. This week’s guest has a long history of innovating veterinary technician curricula, and we’re thrilled to cover her thoughts on why obtaining a four-year veterinary technician degree has potential impacts far beyond clinical practice. 

After you’ve listened to this week’s podcast, please give us a HUGE FAVOR and leave us 5 stars on Apple Podcasts. Your review helps us reach more of our colleagues with these topics. Thank you!  

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Workplace Risks in Veterinary Practice: How Safe is Your Clinic?

Working in a veterinary clinic can pose many hazards. This week, we want to discuss some of the common workplace risks of veterinary practice and why we want you to stop doing them because they are putting you at risk.

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, tackle five major areas of personal risk in veterinary clinics: radiology, animal restraint, ergonomics, dentistry, and anesthesia/operating room. Dr. Ward and Beckie offer examples of each hazard along with tips on mitigating personal risk.

Viewfinders, this is an important topic for anyone working in veterinary practice. Share your tips and concerns on our Facebook or Instagram page.

Also, please do us a HUGE FAVOR and leave us 5 stars on Apple Podcasts. Your review helps us reach more of our colleagues with these topics. Thank you!

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Have We Forgotten Our Manners in Veterinary Practice? Tips and Tactics to Address Generational Differences

Have we forgotten how to behave in the clinic these days? This week, we want to discuss generational differences and how we can help improve each other's manners and etiquette when dealing with clients and co-workers. 

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, tackle the tough topic of dealing with four generations of different communication styles and preferences in veterinary practice.

Today's discussion stems from a recent conversation Dr. Ward had with a couple of veterinary clinic owners. The owners were complaining that the manners and etiquette of some of their younger team members didn't seem up to snuff or meet the standards of professional interactions that they were accustomed to. They lamented that maybe their "home training" had been different. 

How do we reach different generations regarding professional deportment, manners, and etiquette? Right now, we've got four generations in the workplace. And what's normal? What's abnormal? How can we coach and change? There's a lot to unpack in this podcast.

Beckie states, "And it's a real judgy conversation. I'll say that upfront. It is kind of saying that here are our situational and social norms. And when we look outside of that, from a judgment standpoint and also from an observational standpoint, how does that impact our clinic?

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

What should you do if a competing vet clinic’s staff is rude when requesting records?

What happens when one veterinary clinic's personnel is rude or short with another? We’re talking about when you call for records, they are not happy about it - and let you know how they feel! This week, we are talking about the benefits and risks of informing another clinic of the behavior of their staff. And what about giving clients medical records? How do you handle that? This week, we discuss these topics and a whole lot more on The Veterinary Viewfinder!

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, discuss all things medical records request on the episode. Dr. Ward begins with a scenario of a vet clinic receptionist who is repeatedly treated rudely when calling a nearby practice to request medical records. Should the clinic notify a manager or owner about the staff’s bad attitude? If so, how? And what can the clinic reasonably—and realistically—expect to happen next? 

Beckie also shared a recent “medical records mixup” that left her frustrated, and our hosts discussed how to handle medical requests in general. 

Viewfinders, this week’s podcast packs a powerful punch on several tough topics! And please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts so we can continue to reach more of our colleagues! Share your thoughts on this week’s episode on our Facebook or Instagram pages, @VeterinaryViewfinder, or email us at VeterinaryViewfinder@gmail.com.  

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

First Veterinary Technician Elected as President of Viticus Group (WVC) - Heather Prendergast, RVT, CVPM, SPHR

This week, we’re honored to have a conversation with the first veterinary technician elected as President of the Viticus Group (WVC) Board of Directors, Heather Prendergast, RVT!

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, are joined by a friend and prior guest, Heather Prendergast, RVT, CVPM, SPHR. Heather shares her story of starting as a would-be veterinarian, becoming a registered veterinary technician, managing a successful veterinary clinic, working in industry, and earning her CVPM and SPHR, NAVTA, and Viticus (WVC) Boards, and her recent election as President of the Viticus Board of Directors! Viewfinders, Heather’s story is inspirational in so many ways!

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Sad Triangles of Pizza and Moldy Leftovers: Veterinary Clinic Common Area Disasters

Is your break area always a mess? Whose responsibility is it to clean it? And what about coffee? Do you pay? Or does your boss? This week, we discuss a multitude of messes that can occur in the common areas of a veterinary clinic. We also debate who should be on the hook for that special brand of coffee and tea that you like and more bread rook dilemmas.

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, tackle the tough topic of “when break rooms attack!” From messy tables to moldy leftovers to whether or not staff should nibble on client goodies, we delve into a multitude of potential snack and break room problems.

Viewfinders, have you ever had heartbreak - or a heart attack - when dealing with food and drinks in your clinic? Who does the dishes? Do your refrigerated items have an expiration - or too-out - date? Share your thoughts and experiences on our Facebook or Instagram pages (@veterinaryviewfinder) or email us at veterinaryviewfinder@gmail.com.

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

What We Love About the Veterinary Profession - Valentine's Day 2024

Happy Valentine’s Day, Viewfinders! This holiday, we want to share what we love most about the veterinary profession!

In this special Valentine’s Day 2024 podcast, hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, reveal the most beloved aspects of working as veterinary professionals. Hey, we can buy ourselves flowers! And we can hold our own hand, too!

Viewfinders, we hope you’ll find at least a few of our favorite things about vet med to be a welcome departure from, as Beckie puts it, “The Basics.” From professional autonomy to entrepreneurship to innovation and collaboration, to our amazing clients and patients (puppies! Kittens! No, we didn’t go there…), there’s something to remind everyone why we love the veterinary profession!

Please share your thoughts on our social media @VeterinaryViewfinder or email us at VeterinaryViewfinder@gmail.com.

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Is your Veterinary Clinic Really Prepared for an Emergency?

Workplace violence. Natural disasters. Fires and floods. These stories dominate the news. This week, we discuss whether or not most veterinary clinics are really prepared in the event of an active shooter, power failure, or other emergencies. Viewfinders, this is a critical conversation.

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, discuss their personal experiences with disasters in veterinary practice and workplace violence and the lessons they’ve learned. From creating emergency protocols to running drills with your team, this podcast hopes to inspire and guide you to prepare for any emergency.

Viewfinders, share your experiences and thoughts about veterinary practice emergencies with us on Facebook or Instagram @veterinaryviewfinder or email us at veterinaryviewfinder@gmail.com.

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

2023 NAVTA Veterinary Technician of the Year - Sam Geiling, CVT

This week, we’re proud to introduce you to an extraordinary veterinary technician, Sam Geiling, CVT. Sam has just been named the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) Technician of the Year! Viewfinders, her journey is exceptional and sure to inspire!

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, talk to Sam Geiling, CVT, and Chief of Staff for the Animal Policy Group, about her career in veterinary medicine and some of her remarkable achievements. From serving in the Navy to being a classmate of Beckie’s in vet tech school to practicing and teaching in Hawaii, to working with state legislatures and veterinary boards around the country, Sam is a vet tech force to be reckoned with! 

Viewfinders, we hope you enjoy her amazing story as much as we did! 

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Overwhelming Veterinary Practice Messages: Healthy Use and Boundaries on Slack, Teams, and Groups

Are you overwhelmed by Slack, Teams, Groups, and Text work messages? Do you feel guilty when responding to a workplace thread late? Ever judge a teammate for not responding to a message? If so, welcome to the new world of 24/7/365 work messages!

In this week’s podcast, hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, tackle the tough topic of some of the potential benefits and pitfalls of how we communicate with our veterinary clinic teams in 2024. They discuss topics from setting time boundaries to curating appropriate issues and messages to share.

Dr. Ward shares how he expects AI to help us manage the growing number of interactions and platforms. Beckie offers advice on giving yourself grace when creating personal and professional messaging guidelines.

Viewfinders, this is a re-visit of a topic we tackled nearly seven years ago when confronting after-hours telephone calls. As technology and tools have progressed, these intrusions have amplified, and the rules of engagement need to be updated.  

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

The Importance of the Training Struggle: How to Create Training Guardrails and a Culture of Curiosity

Training requires struggle and even failure at times. But how do we apply this principle when training veterinary medical personnel? 

In this podcast, hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, delve into the importance of letting veterinary clinic employees struggle in order to improve. Our duo explores the concept of fostering growth through challenges, emphasizing the need for training guardrails and cultivating a culture of curiosity in veterinary clinics. 

They share tips on how allowing employees to navigate difficulties can lead to enhanced skills and resilience (“Don’t always jump in!”). They reveal strategies for implementing effective training frameworks while maintaining a supportive environment that encourages curiosity and continuous learning. 

Viewfinders, we hope you enjoy this discussion on the vital balance between providing guidance and allowing room for struggle in a safe and effective manner, ultimately promoting professional development in the veterinary industry.

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